A11y.Info Update
Hi all! I am faced with having to make a hard decision about a11y.info. The costs for it are rising and I am currently paying $30 dollars a month to keep it going. I was...
Hi all! I am faced with having to make a hard decision about a11y.info. The costs for it are rising and I am currently paying $30 dollars a month to keep it going. I was...
I never realized that about anchors. You learn something new everyday. Thanks Adrian!
Some bad HTML I discovered on Disney Plus' web app is featured here. This is a fun site, too. Lots to learn.
Buttons vs. Links Understanding Roles Keyboard Benefits Hyperlink Suppression Solutions Example Support Buttons vs. Links Hopefully by now, most of us understand when we should be using button and a elements in our work. If...
Good read on VentureBeat regarding the benefits of embracing a more inclusive process within your company. Not news to me, but may be for you.
This is an amazing statistic: When testing a website for WCAG compliance, only 18% of criteria can be tested automatically, 31% auto+manual verification, and 47% manual only. via @KarlGroves #a11y #wcag #testing – @webaxe
From time to time, the question surrounding the opening of new windows (tabs) to external sites...pops up. (Sorry.) I thought I would share a few thoughts as to why we may want to think real...
So I made this thing. Clients and colleagues often ask me for "video hero banners". I guess they are really sexy and engaging or something. While desktop is never usually an issue, I have often...
I have seen colleagues get a little confused while attempting to create infographics, so this is an effort to clear things up and also improve upon the accessibility of them, which is almost always forgotten....
This is the text based fallback version of our infographic. Some infographics can be very design heavy, so fallbacks are meant to simply convey the same information locked within them, to assistive technology users and...
In my experience, I have found that there is generally a lot of confusion surrounding the loading of assets within a web page that exists within a secure environment. To help eliminate that confusion, here...
Linktravaganza: The process of adding unnecessary links to your web page or application for the sole purpose of pleaseing search engines. Often also refred to as "Link Farms", these steps are often taken to legitimize...
In our endeavors on the web, it is easy, for those who have a hand in contributing to it, to reach for the low hanging fruit. Social plugins are a popular example of this. They...
Congratulations on the launch of your awesome new site! Hearty handshakes and back slaps all around! You launched on time (and under budget) and have met all of your client's business requirements, one of which...
The World Wide Web turns 25 today. That is a long time, and yet, relatively speaking, it is but a drop in the bucket. The web is still in its infancy and yet it has...